Disclaimer: No Lycos\Tripod-sponsored Eco-Cult weirdness that may appear above this line is to be construed as being endorsed by the author of this site, on this or any other page - but they might be amusing as object lessons on collectivist mutation and fanaticism...

Poor Richard's Print Shoppe

- The Sickle Version -

Red Goes Green - climate change: a convenient excuse (Sickles version)  

Despite the persuasive dissent of healthy segments of the scientific world on the state of the Earth's climate, today's fearsome weather fluctuations have prompted the vestigial anti-capitalist Left (who've been wandering in apoplectic disarray since the worldwide implosion of Marxism ca. 1989,) to seize upon the fraud of a human-caused "global warming" as - a convenient excuse - to continue their crusade against humanity.

On every significant level, AlGore's cinematic re-animation of the environmentalist corpse is, as writer Robert Tracinski puts it, a convenient pack of lies, preached with religious fervor in the hope that a manufactured panic, or what "leading climatologist" Stephen Schneider called "scary stories," will be, ermm, sustainable enough to allow a complete neo-fascist shackling of human activity. Dissenting scientists who get in the way are subjected to intimidation tactics and institutional muzzling.

- There is no conclusive evidence that suggests, much less proves, that human activity has other than an infinitesimal influence on climate;
- There is no evidence, conversely, to support the presumption that any coercive government schemes can somehow be employed to counteract that fictitious influence on climate;
- There is, for obvious reasons, no discussion of the fact that a global warming trend, if it were actually occurring as a long-term change, would be of vast benefit to all life on Earth;
- Similarly, there is no discussion of the fact that a global warming trend, if it were actually occurring, would represent a huge net gain in habitable land for all life on Earth. (Go ahead, take a look at a world map - with special attention paid to the land masses currently beyond the temperate zones.)

In fact, there is no tangible evidence that Gore & Co.'s carefully-contrived "scary story" and the neo-fascism being proposed in its wake - the rash of new regulations heaped upon old; the creepy, Orwellian concept of "carbon offsets"; the push to place all of this totalitarian swill under the jurisdiction of "an international body" - will have any effect other than: An accelerated dismantling of the Industrial Revolution and subjugation of individual liberty on a vast scale.

A show of opposition is needed, now.

- The "Treestika" Version -

Red Goes Green - climate change: a convenient excuse (Treestika version)  

In form, the "environmentalist" movement has taken a closer resemblance to German fascism than to Soviet socialism, but... the use of Nazi references in contemporary political discourse, accurate as it may be, tends to generate more heat than light. Nevertheless, in the interest of intellectual precision we proudly offer the "Treestika" version.

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Commentary © 2007 by Poor Richard's Print Shoppe
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