- The Sickle Version -
On every significant level, AlGore's cinematic re-animation of the environmentalist corpse is, as writer Robert Tracinski puts it, a convenient pack of lies, preached with religious fervor in the hope that a manufactured panic, or what "leading climatologist" Stephen Schneider called "scary stories," will be, ermm, sustainable enough to allow a complete neo-fascist shackling of human activity. Dissenting scientists who get in the way are subjected to intimidation tactics and institutional muzzling.
- There is no conclusive evidence that suggests, much less proves, that human activity has other than an infinitesimal influence on climate;
- There is no evidence, conversely, to support the presumption that any coercive government schemes can somehow be employed to counteract that fictitious influence on climate;
- There is, for obvious reasons, no discussion of the fact that a global warming trend, if it were actually occurring as a long-term change, would be of vast benefit to all life on Earth;
- Similarly, there is no discussion of the fact that a global warming trend, if it were actually occurring, would represent a huge net gain in habitable land for all life on Earth. (Go ahead, take a look at a world map - with special attention paid to the land masses currently beyond the temperate zones.)
In fact, there is no tangible evidence that Gore & Co.'s carefully-contrived "scary story" and the neo-fascism being proposed in its wake - the rash of new regulations heaped upon old; the creepy, Orwellian concept of "carbon offsets"; the push to place all of this totalitarian swill under the jurisdiction of "an international body" - will have any effect other than: An accelerated dismantling of the Industrial Revolution and subjugation of individual liberty on a vast scale.
A show of opposition is needed, now.
- The "Treestika" Version -
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